£10,000 Target

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£10,000 Target

It’s been a little while since I started matched betting and started MBB but now I have finally given myself a target.

I decided, as sort of a new year’s resolution, that I would aim to hit £10,000 by the end of 2016. I’m currently at about £6,500. That’s taken me a long time to get too.

It’s taken me such a long time to get £6,5000 because I have only really been doing this part time, as I also work full time and have a young family.

With this new target, comes a bigger commitment to matched betting and this site (which needs a makeover!). I’m going to make the most of my matched betting service subscription and make some serious cash.

That’s it really. Oh, yes, I’ll have a progress bar at the top of the site which I will update regularly.